LibVF - Finite Volume Library on Staggered Grids and Domain Decomposition

The research project LibVF - Finite Volume Library on Staggered Grids and Domain Decomposition aims to develop a computing platform that consolidates various works conducted on DDFV methods by the ED and Numerical Analysis team, as well as the Numerical Modeling and Fluid Dynamics team from the J. A. Dieudonné laboratory. This platform will be accessible to the academic community, and its performance can be evaluated.

The immediate objectives focus on several key points:

  • Establishing a multi-domain mesh structure: The current mesh structure of the codes needs to be revised to efficiently manage multi-domain meshes, including the management of crossover points. There is a clear vision of the necessary and efficient data structures for implementing DDFV methods, but the optimization of subdomain management needs improvement to ensure optimal performance.
  • Integrating various developments into a single platform: The separate development of schemes has led to the creation of multiple versions of codes that share many common elements. The goal is to consolidate all these developments into a single modular platform, allowing for more efficient management and better consistency of functionalities.
  • Parallelism: The performance of domain decomposition methods developed for DDFV has never been evaluated in parallel. This is a crucial objective, as these methods are well-suited for parallelism, but there is currently a lack of expertise to implement them optimally.

Project Leader

Stella Krell, J. A. Dieudonné Laboratory (LJAD), Université Côte d'Azur

Project Participants

Thierry Goudon, Stella Krell, Sebastian Minjeaud (LJAD)
Mohammed Bouziane (MSI)
Ecoulement d'un fluide -méthode DDFV
Ecoulement d'un fluide -méthode DDFV Image : Ecoulement d'un fluide autour d'un obstacle simulé par la méthode DDFV.