Scientific Outreach and Training

HPC Training

Scientific Software Management and High-Performance Computing

In March 2024, Marco Milanesio (Senior Engineer at MSI) delivered a 2-day course on scientific software management and high-performance computing as part of the DataHyKing Doctoral Network project.

The topics covered included:

  • Scientific software management;
  • Scientific software development lifecycle;
  • Version control;
  • Software testing;
  • MPI (Message Passing Interface);
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC).

The training materials are available on the MSI GitHub page.

Logo projet DataHyking
Logo projet DataHyking

MPI and Practical Introduction to Deep Learning

In 2021 and 2022, the MSI organized free scientific computing courses open to the whole Université Côte d'Azur community. Two three-day courses were run on the Valrose campus: MPI and Practical Introduction to Deep Learning.
The courses were given by trainers from IDRIS (Institut du développement et des ressources en informatique scientifique) which is the major center for HPC of the CNRS.

Would you like to request access to the Azzurra computing center? Visit Azzurra website!

Find out more about our training sessions by watching this video

Thematic Schools

John Horton Conway, image produite en utilisant FlowAutomaton à partir d'une image trouvée sur le web [Jean Louis Paquelin, Enrico Formenti, Projet G-Art]. Crédits photo : CC BY Thane Plambeck.
John Horton Conway, image produite en utilisant FlowAutomaton à partir d'une image trouvée sur le web [Jean Louis Paquelin, Enrico Formenti, Projet G-Art]. Crédits photo : CC BY Thane Plambeck.


25th edition of the Ecole Jeunes Chercheuses et Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique (EJCIM) of the GDR Informatique Mathématique. This edition of the school was organized by the Maison de la Modélisation, de la Simulation et des Interactions (MSI).
Main themes: randomness, game theory, digital and analog computation models, dynamical systems and artificial intelligence.

Caption: John Horton Conway, image produced using FlowAutomaton from an image found on the web [Jean Louis Paquelin, Enrico Formenti, G-Art Project]. Photo credits: CC BY Thane Plambeck.

Cybersecurity School (2018 et 2019)

Organized by Bruno Martin and Sandrine Julia (I3S-CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur) as part of MSI's thematic schools, the Cybersecurity School was accredited by the CNRS GDR Sécurité Informatique and CLUSIR PACA.
The 2019 edition focused on less technical aspects than the first, with a more societal approach to security through the courses and contributions of the 11 speakers.
Three themes were highlighted:

  •    The security of massive data by Mohand-Saïd Hacid ;
  •    Blockchains by Pascal Lafourcade;
  •    The links between artificial intelligence and privacy by Théo Ryffel.

Deep Learning School (2017, 2018 et 2019)

Following the success of the first two editions of Université Côte d'Azur's Deep Learning school (in 2017 and 2018), the third edition took place on the SophiaTech campus from July 15 to 19, 2019.
Four renowned speakers hosted the event: Prof. Martial Hebert, Director of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellow University (Pittsburg, CA), Prof. Armand Joulin, Facebook Research, Prof. Graham Taylor, Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning, Canada CIFAR AI Chair, School of Engineering, University of Guelph and Vector Institute and Prof. Alexandre Alahi, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Around 300 people attended the school.

Other Scientific Events

RENOwN 2019

The RElationships, NObles, Orders, Networks symposium, organized as part of the RENOM project, brings together French and foreign specialists working on networks in Social Sciences and Humanities and in Mathematics. Its aim is to compare the work being carried out in a number of European universities on the subject of nobility and military orders, as well as the different methods of exploiting archival data (databases, prosopography, modeling relational networks, etc.).


Rémip 2018

The interdisciplinary Science & Fiction Days at Peyresq (2018) focus on the narrative mechanisms at work in science fiction stories, which make science an issue in the narrative and enable a better understanding of the notion of modeling, particularly beyond the fields of the so-called "hard" sciences. They also question how their imaginary societies can, in turn, nourish the work of researchers.


MOMI (éditions 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024)

The 2-day workshop MOMI - Le MOnde des Mathématiques Industrielles (the World of Industrial Mathematics) is organized by Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée. Its aim: to enable young researchers to discover the link between the industrial world and applied mathematics and to find out about the opportunities offered by the latter.


FADEx 2018

The FADEx (French-American Doctoral Exchange) program was launched in 2014 by the Service pour la Science et la Technologie of the French Embassy in the United States. This program aims to foster scientific exchanges between French and American PhD students working in the same scientific field in order to encourage future Franco-American collaborations.


StatLearn 2018

Ninth edition of the Statistical Learning symposium, organized in Nice by the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS).


GDR Phénoménologie de la Turbulence 2018

The GDR Turbulence (CNRS GDR 2865) aims to increase interaction between researchers in the turbulence community in the broadest sense, and to promote interaction with industry in certain application areas.