Mastering the methods and tools of modeling and simulation, as well those for structuring and exploiting data, presents many challenges for scientists in a variety of current and future areas of research and innovation. Thus, the UCAJEDI IDEX project has promoted the creation of the Center of Modeling, Simulation, and Interactions (MSI), which is a member of the MSO (Modeling, Simulation, Optimization) network.
The Center of Modeling, Simulation, and Interactions offers:
- High-level training programs and the development of strong links with local industries, by supporting the organization of thematic schools for public and industrial partners on various key themes (Deep Learning, Cybersecurity, etc.) for the SUD Region (Région Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur).
- Scientific workshops in which key players from the Université Côte d’Azur gather to discuss modeling, simulation, data analysis, computation, and visualization.
- Financial support through calls for proposals so as to develop transdisciplinary projects internally between laboratories of Université Côte d'Azur or externally between a Université Côte d'Azur laboratory and an industrial partner.
To build a transversal scientific and technical network specifically oriented towards the academic and business communities, the MSI also relies on a team of expert engineers working on research projects with Université Côte d’Azur researchers and faculty.
Some of these experts bring their support to various thematic centers of expertise requiring strong skills in modeling, simulation and data science.
Three centers are currently being set up, to process data from:
- The medical field (Medical Data Laboratory);
- The Social Sciences and Humanities (Digital Humanities Laboratory);
- The Sciences of the Planet and the Universe.